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Golang Basic 5 - If statement

Golang Basic 5 - If statement


if statement

if boolVal{
    // if boolVal is true, run this code block.


root@go:l5/ # cat l5s1.go
package main
import (
func main(){
    var flag bool = true
    if flag {
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag)
root@go:l5/ # go run l5s1.go

if... else...

if... else... statement

if boolVal{
    // if boolVal is true, run this code block.
    //if boolVal is false, run this code block.


root@go:l5/ # cat l5s2.go
package main
import (
func main(){
    var flag bool = false
    if flag {
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag)
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag)
root@go:l5/ # go run l5s2.go

if... else if... else...

if... else if... else... statement

if boolVal1{
    // if boolVal1 is true, run this code block.
}else if boolVal2{
    // if boolVal2 is true, run this code block.
    //if boolVal1 and boolVal2 is false, run this code block.


root@go:l5/ # cat l5s3.go
package main
import (
func main(){
    var flag1 bool = false
    var flag2 bool = true
    if flag1 {
        fmt.Printf("flag 1\n")
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag1)
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag2)
    }else if flag2 {
        fmt.Printf("flag 2\n")
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag1)
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag2)
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag1)
        fmt.Printf("%t\n", flag2)
root@go:l5/ # go run l5s3.go
flag 2

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